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Christopher Counts the Constellations

Rocking Chair

This Christopher Counts the Constellations Rocking Chair is the latest collaboration between The Wood Orphan's Design and local Author Mary Moody.

Ms. Moodey is the author of Christopher Counts the Constellations and along with this artist believes that books and stories can take flight and need not be restricted to the reading of a book. Stories and language can be incorporated onto children's furniture, clothing and other items to enhance both a child's imagination and spark learning.

This chair reflects the story of Christopher and his adventures counting the constellations using both the illustrations as created by artist Jude Shingle and the design artist's interpretation of the story.

The entire text of the story has been painted onto the chair along with some original illustrations and original designs. The chair has constellations highlighted and hidden among the design for the both the parent and the child to explore.

This piece as well as the hard bound book, audio/animated tape and a T-shirt were donated to the Neighborhood Art House for their Taste of the Arts Charity Auction.

Although this display was not for sale the project received a bid of $400.00 which was donated to the Art House.

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