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Special Orders

This project is an antique drop leaf table

with an incert.  

The table belonged to the customers

grandmother and had been in the family

for many years. This cusomer was not a

"traditional thinker" and enjoyed the

magical vision of the world.  She left me

and my imagination to create what ever

came to mind.

The  image to the right  is with the

leaves down and the incert removes.

The image image below displays the

tabble with the incert in place and 

both leaves of the table in the

upright position. 


The image flows  with and without the incert

and with and without the table leaves.

Deb's Drop Leaf Table

The Happy Chair

The happy chair was created after the customer gave me some very specifics as to how she wanted it designed.  She told me she wanted the "girl scout" wings, her recorder, her cat and the GLBT rainbow.  Although I don't have a photo of the back of the chair, I did place a quote by Einstein in the design of the back.  She told me the finished chair makes her happy.


The photo was taken in my workspace, please excuse the mess.

The Graduation Gift

This chair was a graduation gift for a young man entering college.  It is an oak captians chair.  I met with the young man prior to beginning work on the chair.  He informed me he liked racoons, was considering studying science and wanted some sort of urban scene.  He gave me little information, but I did know the young man was rather quiet, bright and imaginative.


The front of the chair  back has a science themed design  with a racoon, labratory vials, molicules and hatching eggs.  The back of the chair has racoons relaxing  and playing musical instruments.


The seat of the chair has an urban

scene with buildings, hatching eggs

and of course a racoon.  

The arms of the chair have racoon

legs painted on them.

My Mother's Dresser

I received a call from a customer who had told me she had lost her mother several months prior and that she had a dresser that she had used as a child, and that her mother had used after she had left the house.  She asked if I would be interested in painting it for her.  I was interested and after we met she told me her mother loved going to Presque Isle and she had a favorite "stump" that she and her grandson would visit.  She gave me permission to paint it as I felt inclined.  After I got the dresser to my work space I noticed that there was a hat in the drawer.  The hat as I learned, belonged to her mother.


I took a ride to Presque Isle and one of the many magical sights I noted  was the way the leaves always seemed to form a canapy.  Everything seemed magical and the magic was more exciting to me that painting a photo perfect picture.  I couldn't decide on a season so I used all of the seasons, one on each side of the dresser with summer melting into fall on the front.  I chose sunrise through sunset with a magical sunset on the top.  Butterflies became a part of the scene as they are beautiful, but their beauty is so short lived. 

A Special Gift for a Friend

I received a call from a customer after one of my shows.  She had a friend that was ill and she wanted to give her a very special gift. It seems that her friend's father had made a small table for her.  It was made it the true nature of "using what is on hand" to complete the task at hand.


The table had a wooden top and metal sides.  To stabilize the table he took a wire hanger and twisted around the bottom of the sides.  Not a single screw matched.


The customer said her friend loved Presque Isle and gave me permission to create whatever I wanted.  I made a night scene with a touch of magic.  I photographed the table in my basement, please excuse the mess.


My Grandmother's Table

The only request was for lady bugs and butterflies

MY Grandmother's other Table

Paris Table

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